Illinois River – November 17-18, 2012


Flows looked great for this trip until the day before our launch. The storm we were counting on to bump up flows was pushed back and instead of a rainy day we were left looking up to semi-clear skies with not a drop of rain. Nevertheless, we remained optimistic and started the drive to Miami Bar the next morning. On the way in, somebody asked what the flow was… 350 CFS was the answer. Erik Sol – “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”

It was cold, windy, and low. Really low. For loaded 14′ rafts it was difficult to move downstream without getting stuck. After a long day of dragging boats, we arrived at Klondike and called it quits for the night. Then our storm arrived and the rain began to fall.

Glen Finch in Green Wall.

We awoke the following morning to a much healthier flow and were able to easily reach Oak Flat that afternoon.