Takelma Gorge, North Fork Rogue – November 15, 2013


On this trip we had five rafts. Flow was low. I think you take the above gauge and divide in half for actual flow. If someone knows better please let me know in the comment section below. The crux at this flow was the second drop of the the first rapid (after entry rapid and sharp right turn). You can go left or right. Boats that tried to go right got spanked a bit. Boats that went left did alright. At this flow, it is tough to have a “clean” line in there with a raft because it is so tight.

R2 – Erik Sol and Michael McKenzie
R2 – Aaron Babcock and Thomas Hood
R2 – Glen Finch and Jeff Finch
R3 – Skip Volpert, Mike and McCale
R4 – Will Volpert, Steve, Adam Spencer, John Bartosz

Michael and Erik Sol in taking a break in Takelma gorge
Michael and Erik Sol in taking a break in Takelma Gorge
Skip Volpert, Mike, and McCale running a rapid in Takelma Gorge
Skip Volpert, Mike, and McCale running a rapid in Takelma Gorge
Glen and Jeff Finch making their way downstream
Glen and Jeff Finch making their way downstream