The following guides are opinionated, biased, dated, incomplete, and only partially [in]accurate.
River - Stretch | Class | Description | Archives | Flow Resource |
Applegate - Upper | II-III | ✅ | Trip Reports | NWRFC |
Illinois - Wild & Scenic | III-IV (V) | ✅ | Trip Reports | USGS / NWRFC |
Klamath - Upper | III-IV | ✅ | X | USGS |
Rogue River - Nugget / Powerhouse | II-III | ✅ | X | USGS / NWRFC |
Rogue River - North Fork (Takelma Gorge) | IV-V | X | Trip Reports | USGS |
Rogue River - North Fork (Mill Creek) | IV | X | Trip Reports | USGS |
Rogue River - Wild & Scenic | II-III (IV) | X | Trip Reports | USGS / NWRFC |
Umpqua - North | II-V | ✅ | X | NWRFC |
Box Canyon of the Sacramento
North Fork of the Smith
Burnt Ranch Gorge of the Trinity
Washougal River
Upper Wind River
Lower Salmon