Tag Archives: orletta

Orletta Stretch of the White Salmon, Washington – October 26th and November 2nd, 2008

Trip report written by Will Volpert.

Once again, called Ryan Morgan and he came through big time to find a great run for us. The Truss was wicked low for a raft run but the Orletta Stretch is the section between the bottom of Little Zigzag and the BZ put in. The hike down with a raft it brutal. The first run we did on October 26th we carried the inflated raft down the creek bed. That was heinous. The next Sunday on the 2nd, Dana and I hiked in with a rolled raft. That too was difficult. Maybe there is no easy way.

Nonetheless, once you actually do get down to the river you are treated with some great class III and IV drops for about two miles. It is fairly continuous initially, and then mellows. It picks up again just above The Flume. After the Flume, there is short rapid that bends to the right. Make sure you eddy out immediately after this drop. BZ Falls is just downstream. Scout from the right. Both times we ghost boated the raft and I jumped in just after the falls off the cliffs on the right.
